Store Sales

Here you will see the sales by department and item level with margins. The information displayed here can be adjusted by clicking the edit button in the top right corner of this section.

You can view SKU details for any department by clicking on it.

Click on any of the headers to sort the columns alphabetically or numerically.

1. These are your Headers, when clicked they allow you to sort the field by that option. Ex: If Department is clicked, this will sort by Department Name Alphabetically.
2. You will see this Arrow symbol to indicate if you are sorting that column in an Ascending or Descending order.

In the Store Sales you may see a Red Square Icon. This indicates that the data has been modified. Hover your mouse pointer over the icon to see the original number.

The red circle icon indicates that the SKU sales do not match the department sales. Hover your mouse pointer over the icon to see the difference between the two.

This can be caused by items in different departments in S2K vs the POS, it can also be caused by making department sales and not at item level. This can also mean you had sales of items that do not exist in S2K.