Reports Overview

Select a report from the list of reports available

The reports in S2K will each have a set of filter options that pop-up in a search criteria window. Fill in the criteria that you would like to see filtered in the report when you view it.

When you hoover over the criteria to edit, use the arrows that appear to display the select-able detail from the drop-down menus.

The start date and the end date are required fields for each report.

Once you have filled in the search criteria for the report, click the Search button to generate the report.

The report will appear:

There is a report tool bar at the top of the generated report that will allow you to refresh, zoom, export, print, etc.

  1. Navigation arrows to move through multi-page report Search/filter criteria
  2. Refresh button
  3. Zoom in or out on the view of the report
  4. Export options
  5. Print settings and print tool
  6. Search for word or phrase within the report

# 4, Export Options, contains a drop-down menu of possible platforms available to export the report content. You can export and save the report detail to Microsoft Word, Excel, or Powerpoint. You can also export and save the report as a PDF or Data Feed. Select from the drop-down menu.

#6, Search for word or phrase within the report by typing the detail in the available box and clicking Find.

Then click Next to find the next instance where the word or phrase appears in the report.