EFT Viewing

EFT Viewing

To view EFT information, select Daily Books->EFT and Credit Cards. The first two selections from the menu will provide EFT information: Bank Transfer Journal and Bank Transfers

Bank Transfer Journal

The first option is Bank Transfer Journal.

This screen will show a record of bank transfers based on the date range provided.

Adjusting the date range can be accomplished by updating the FROM and TO date selection boxes and click the refresh journal button

To expand the details for a specific vendor, click the + sign next to the vendor name

Bank Transfers

The next selection is for Bank Transfers. Click the link to open the search screen.

Enter the search criteria and click ok to search. The EFT Bank Transfers window will open.

Click the “+” sign next to the date to expand the EFT details

Double click on any transaction from this window to open that specific transaction.